What's in My Hospital Bag | Salt Lake City Family + Senior Photographer

May 13, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

     This will be my 3rd time delivering at Alta View. The first time, with Jones, I was prepared and had my bag packed for weeks before it was needed. The second time with Banks was a bit of a whirlwind and I had just enough time to throw a handful of things in a bag in-between contractions. Learning from both those extreme instances, I'm feeling confident with what I want to take and what I want to leave at home this time around. 

There they are, all the contents spread out on the floor in all their glory. I found that awesome Hunter bag from Target and it is HUGE! I love being able to have room for everything without taking a million bags. 

What I'm bringing:

- Nursing/carseat cover - mainly for the ride home. All modesty that I have goes out the window when I've just delivered (far left cream material with ferns on it)

- External power source + power cords. Danny and I learned the hard way that while you might have an open outlet, it's not always where it's most convenient or we both can't access it.

- Polaroid camera + film. When Jones was born, I took a polaroid of everyone holding him for the first time and put it in a photo album. I loved it and want to do it again for this baby. 

- Soft, fabric nursing bra + nursing pads. My milk didn't really start to come in with the other boys until after we had gone home, but after having cords stuck to me, the last thing I wanted to do was put on my more structured nursing bra. The fabric ones are a dream to sleep in and especially when I'm in that "I just gave birth" haze. 

- Nursing friendly dress. With Jones I just hung out in my hospital gown the whole time, but I didn't feel like I could move around without flashing all of my visitors. After I had banks I just wore some sweats and a t shirt and I was much more comfortable. Since I'll be nursing this little one and they'll still need access to the "goods" once I have him, I opted for a button down dress. 

- Going home outfit for mom. I'm never sure how I'll be feeling after delivering. I was so sore with Jones, but was surprisingly mobile after Banks. This time I opted to pack either a dress or leggings and a baggy t-shirt. That way it can be a game time decision. 

- Bag for Dad. This one is a biggie. Not only do I have a change of clothes and basketball shorts (for sleeping) for Danny to wear and change into, but I also put them in they're own little bag. That way Dan doesn't have to rummage through everything and can pull things out on the first try. The bag also doubles as an extra thing to carry all the goodies you get to take home in. (Especially since we just stick all our dirty clothes in the plastic bag our hospital gives us.) 

- Flip Flops. These are for the shower. Enough said. 

- Socks. The ones they give you don't do it for me. 

- Bag of snacks. This is more for the benefit of Danny since I can't eat while I'm in labor, but as soon as that baby is out, give me all the granola bars! (and once again - separate bag to use as on the way home.)

- Toiletries. Just the usual stuff, toothpaste, brush, etc. I also like to bring my own lotion in a travel size container since my hands get so dry at the hospital.

- Baby clothes! This is the fun part! I am bringing at least 3 outfits, 2 of which are pajamas and the other is the hat and pants combo I made to match the swaddle. 

- Swaddle. This isn't super necessary, but for the sake of pictures, I wanted us all to wear some kind of blue. (my dress is navy stripped and Danny has a pale blue shirt packed for him.)

And there you have it! What is your "must have" when packing your hospital bag? Let me know in the comments below! 


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