A Red Hair Girl - Stephanie's Headshots | Salt Lake City Family Photographer

August 21, 2019  •  1 Comment

     One of the perks (or not perks - depending on which sibling you ask) to being my sibling is I like to take people out location scouting with me to test the light, explore new places, check up on old ones, etc. My beautiful and wonderfully talented sister in law runs the blog A Red Hair Girl. She talks about being a mom and battling depression and how she lives. It's been one of my favorite reads every week. It was also high time for some new headshots! I can lovingly say that the one she had been using was outdated! (I took it during her maternity shoot for her second! She now has four kids.) Knowing Steph's red hair and complexion I knew she would look stunning here! Last year this place was bursting with sunflowers and I wanted to check it out. After agreeing to some new headshots we set the date and planned it out. I was pretty bummed to find that there was not one sunflower patch. Just some sad looking scraggly ones along the road. But as we began to walk the trail and check out parts I hadn't seen before I was thrilled to find patches of green and itty bitty yellow flowers sprinkled along the trail. Steph was a trooper as she has endured many of my terrible jokes. But I just couldn't get over how great her outfit and hair looked with the light! It was made for her! We shot until the last bit of light dipped below the horizon. It was so great to have some sister time and create some beautiful art! Check out her blog while you're at it! It's just as beautiful as Steph, she pours so much of herself into it that you can't help but love her! (Here's the link)


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