Is the theme song from the 90's cartoon stuck in your head? Well it has been in mine, for weeks now. My favorite part of Halloween is doing themed costumes. Luckily my fam is pretty great and goes along with it - partly due to the fact that I ask the boys what they want to be for Halloween and go with it. Thanks to Disney+ Jones fell down the rabbit hole of the 90's X-men cartoon that I grew up watching. Because of this, he wanted to be Wolverine for Halloween. This worked out amazingly since there's enough X-men in the Marvel universe to take our pick from. I decided to go as Rouge, since she was my favorite when I was growing up, and I could in turn, have Danny be Gambit. Fields has no say in the matter and thanks to me wanting to keep him in a stroller was dressed up as Professor Xavier. Thanks to this being a Corona Halloween and the extreme lack of parties, I didn't do my usual go all out and sew everything. Surprisingly enough I bought Jones' Wolverine costume off of Facebook Marketplace for $5, and a co-worker of Danny's had the claws and mask that they gave to us. Fields was the easiest as I just slicked back his hair, dressed him in a suit and put a spray panted cardboard box around the stroller. For Danny I found a trench coat at the DI as well as a women's tank top in the perfect color. I then took a black long sleeved shirt and cut off the bottom (since it was going to be under a tank anyways) and made Gambit's gator thing he wears. We finished off the look with some fingerless gloves and a pack of cards. For Rogue, I found a long sleeved green shirt as close to in color as I could to my green skinny jeans at the DI. Then I found a bright yellow top. The green shirt had some bell sleeves and ruffles that I took off and took in and then I cut out the middle section and replaced it with the yellow. Using the scrap green middle section I made a headband. I already had a bomber leather jacket and I found some child sized Hunter boots off of Facebook Marketplace as well.
We went to our usual stomping grounds at Victor's Pond and took some pictures of our costumes. I do this every year as a way to #1 not procrastinate our costumes and #2 not have to worry about it on Halloween night. I can't tell you how freeing it is on Halloween knowing that I have plenty of pictures already taken and I can just let them loose with their candy buckets and try and keep up. In the past we've done Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Pokemon, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Does your family do themed costumes? Tell me below in the comments! I'm always up for some new ideas!