Finding Hope in Times of Trouble - How to Handle the Coronavirus | Whitney Beth Photography

March 14, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Finding Hope in Times of Trouble - How to Handle the Coronavirus | Whitney Beth Photography

     Hey fam, It's scary out there. So much uncertainty, panic, and lack of toilet paper flood our world right now. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 schools, church, and activities have been canceled. Large gatherings have been banned in some parts, and most people are prepping for a two week quarantine. Social distancing is about to become our new normal. But I want you all to breathe. Take a deep breath. Things will be ok. This is such a weird time in our lives. I can remember H1N1 and Ebola, but things never escalated to the extent we are currently facing with the Corona Virus. In all honesty, it feels like the beginning of a zombie movie - and my routine trip to the grocery store would prove that theory. But we, as a people will be ok. Please understand, that I am not trying to make light of the situation, rather, I'm trying to help improve our attitudes. There can be good that comes from this.

Family Time

I know, I've seen the memes - mainly where all the stay at home mom's are like, "welcome to my world b*&%$" ha. But for real, with everyone who is able to work from home, school closed, and social distancing in effect, that's a lot of family time. Which is SO GOOD. Jut think of all the memories you are going to make. One year in Oregon, my family and I were literally snowed in our house for 13 days, (back when there were only nine of us kids.) That's 11 people + a few friends that managed to get stuck for a few days or so. You know what I remember? Sledding, melting snow on the gas stove to get bath water, roasting mini marshmallows over a candle to only discover they tasted like Christmas, and random break outs of an every man for himself nerf war. I don't remember what we had to eat for meals - although I'm sure my mom had to get creative towards the end of that 13 days. I don't remember missing out on our favorite shows when the power was out - which it was for a lot of that time. What I do remember is making memories with my family. Growing closer together and having our own inside jokes. 

Be the Good

This is your chance to be the good. I've read so much over the last few days of elderly scared to go out, and neighbors checking in. Reading accounts of people over in China who are nearing the end of their quarantine talk about the sense of community that emerged. People helping people. Mr. Rodgers said it best, "look for the helpers." Now is the time to prove to the world that humanity is kind. Make sure neighbors have the essentials, offer to run over a roll of TP or two. Share your Tylenol and Ibuprofen and be the good that you want to see in the world. 


C'mon you guys, it's me, you had to have known there'd be something in here about documenting. What a unique and strange time to be living! This virus has already started a rippling effect that I believe will continue even after the COVID-19 is under control. Even in my line of industry, weddings and reunions are being postponed, my photographer friends who shoot commercial have had to cancel shoots due to production stopping, and so much more. Going to the grocery store this week for my regular groceries felt like war of the worlds. This is history in the making. Our children are going to want to hear about it. They are going to want to see the empty shelves. They will want to see what we did with our two week quarantine. How we entertained ourselves. I want my kids to remember the memories that we are creating. Write it down, take a picture, do what you need to help tell history. This is an extreme example, but hear me out, what if Anne Frank hadn't had written in her diary? There was so much going on, no one could blame her if she forgot or had other things to do. But because of her, we know what life was like for her. 

History is happening now. It's true that this is a terrible ordeal, there's no changing that, but just think of all the good that can come from it. It all comes down to how we decide to react. We can be our own beacons of light for our families. We can be the hope and the good for our communities. Love you all, stay safe and wash your hands.

- Whitney


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