Three Tips for Planning Casual Family Picture Outfits | Whitney Beth Photography

September 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Three Tips for Planning Casual Family Picture Outfits | Whitney Beth Photography

Sometimes planning out casual outfits for family pictures can be the hardest. It seems simple, right? But when you start picking out things to wear (In my case, especially) things start to gear towards the more “dressier” side. Sometimes you’re met with the other side of the spectrum and your family is a little “too” casual. So where’s the happy medium? I have a few tips that I use when planning family picture outfits that work every time. 

  1. Wear a good fitting pair of jeans. 

        Jeans and denim are a great way to make a look more casual, but you also want to make sure they fit! That means not too tight to where you don’t want to move certain ways and not too baggy that it looks frumpy. Mom’s everywhere rejoiced with the return of the “mom jean” - not only are they cute and comfy, but the selling point for many is the high waist that helps tuck everything in and smooth you out. 

  1. No graphic tees

        Much to my nephew’s dismay that is number one on their list when picking out outfits. Graphic tees have a time and a place - senior session? Go for it! Family pictures with Pikachu joining the gang? Not so much. Graphic tees can make your outfit too busy and your viewers will bypass all of your faces to see what cartoon character you are donning for family pictures. 

  1. Keep to solid colors and simple patterns.

        The whole point of casual pictures is to be relaxed and comfortable. If you wear busy patterns it will seem a bit chaotic. The best way to combat this is to choose solid colors and patterns that are on the softer side. You want your family and their relationship to be on display and to be the center of attention. 


Sticking with these guidelines will help bring a cohesive, put together look for your casual family pictures. I’d love to photograph you and your family, if you found these tips helpful  and want to start the booking process, feel free to shoot me an email from my contact page. 




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