2021 Goals for Whitney Beth Photography

January 04, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

2021 Goals for Whitney Beth Photography

I'm sure you've seen the memes all over the internet about "New Year, Same You," or how "nobody claim 2021 as 'their' year." And, while I see their point, (2020 was a generally hard year for most everyone) I'm not sure I necessarily agree with them. Now everybody is different, and if that's what you need to have the mindset to have this year be great, then have at it! But for me, I thrive off of goals and lists and deadlines that I give myself. I'm the type of person who makes lists of everything I need to do that day, just so I can check them off when they are done. I love that feeling and it motivates me to work hard and get things done. I'm also the type of person who makes goals whenever the heck I feel like it - not just at the start of the year. I'm also realistic in my goals and try to make ones that will be challenging, but also doable. (For example, I started a new years resolution in 2011 to take a picture every single day of the year. I did it and loved it so much that I kept going. 2020 was my tenth year of documenting my life one photo a day.) 

With all that said, I have made some lofty (yet attainable) goals for myself this year. I'm also using this post as a way to hold myself accountable, and to dig deep and finish strong. 

1. Reach 100 five star google reviews. - I met my goal of 30 last year and I saw how much it helped my little business. (If you haven't left me a review yet, feel free to click here)

2. Double my income from last year. - Despite being a pandemic, and having virtually no clients the first half of the year, I still managed to pull through and have a more profitable year than the year before when I took a lot of time off for having Fields. This one will be tough, as baby is due to join us in July, but all the more reason to push those spring pictures!)

3. Elevate my client experience - This one is sorta in the works already. I'm in the midsts of a major rebrand and major website update. I want every aspect of working with me to reflect my brand and the work I put out.

And that's it. 3 might not seem like a lot, but phew, I've got my work cut out for me! I'll need all my virtual cheerleaders to help along the way. Thank you for being here and thank you for reading! You clicking on my links and going to my posts mean more to me than you'll ever know! Thanks!


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