Utah State Capital Cherry Blossoms | Jones | Whitney Beth Photography

April 14, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Utah State Capital Cherry Blossoms | Jones | Whitney Beth Photography

I think I've come to terms with the fact that I will never come to terms with how fast my babies grow. Here we are, another year later and my little Jones is FIVE?! Jones is such a smart, talkative, social little guy and has always been my second in command. He is wrapping up his first year at preschool and is starting to prep for Kindergarten! (I know!) He is reading "bob" books and sounding out words like a champ! His latest obsession is any and all things superheros, sharks, transformers, the Power Ranger theme song, April Fools pranks, legos and anything you can build with. He loves helping me with home improvement projects and wears his own safety glasses the whole time. He will tolerate all the picture taking that goes on in our house, as long as he gets his fair of shots. Between his little kid digital and fuji instax he's well on his way to a well documented life. In fact, the only way I could get him excited about his five year old pictures was the bribe of a fresh pack of film (I'm so proud.) 

We shot Jones' session up at the capital again. I just can't quit the blossoms! It ended up being a "scouting" trip too, since it was pretty early in the season for blooms, I wanted to scope out the grounds and see how the trees were coming along. I decided to bring Fields too and make a fun evening out of it. Which is great in theory until you realize that your almost two year old is a wild child and can't be contained. Luckily It was a pretty chill evening and with not a lot of foot traffic so I could keep one eye in the view finder and the other on my escapee. Towards the end of the session Jones whipped out his camera and began directing shots of his brother and me - which only went about half as well as he expected. haha! It was a fun night and the kids got ice cream on the way home for behaving as best they could. At the risk of spamming you with all the pictures, here are a few of my favorites.


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