Being Married to a Photog | Confessions from a Photographer’s Spouse | Whitney Beth Photography

May 31, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

What it’s Like to Be Married to a Photographer | Confessions from a Photographer’s Spouse | Whitney Beth Photography

A few weeks ago I put a little question box on my Instagram story and asked for questions to ask my husband, Danny. I wanted to know what people were curious to ask the spouse of a photographer. It could be anything photo related to not. Danny’s a good sport - especially since I didn’t tell him I was doing this beforehand! It was so fun to see questions roll in and to actually see what Danny’s answers are - I had a pretty good idea of what they’d be and it was neat to see if they matched up with my predictions or not. 

Q: How is his insta husband skills?

My insta husband skills are lacking since I’m usually at work or in meetings. Whit settles for selfies most of the time. I also don’t insta so I don’t even get to practice on myself.

Q: How did you get such a hot wife?

Her dad likes to say that I got her when she was young and naive before she had time to form opinions. While I’m sure that’s partially true I chalk it up to being way over confident and catching her on a rebound! Timing is everything!

Q: What would happen if you guys switched careers for a day?

I’d probably attempt change her whole business model and go after the sporting world, but I’d get hung up on blogging and I’d spend the whole day writing one paragraph since I’m such a slow writer. She would hopefully not kill anyone.
(For those of you who don’t know - Danny is a Pharmacist... and probably right. Haha) 

Q: What is something that Whitney always says?

She pronounces the word “wash” as “warsh,” that’s probably what I notice most. She also says, “what” a lot. It’s usually after one of the kids says mom so like every 30 seconds.
I would like to add that I said “warsh” ONE time the other night, as a joke (Grandma is from Washington - it’s a thing up there) and Danny was in a slap happy mood and thought it was hilarious and on purpose - so here we are... Danny thinking he’s funny by slipping this into his answer. Haha

Q: What critique doe she have the most often if she asks you to take her photo?

I either don’t get the focus where she wants it or I shoot the wrong orientation.

Q: If Whitney died and YOU had to get client photos edited and delivered, would you know how?

I’ve actually thought about that before and I got scared because I don’t know how to do it myself. I’d either just refund the client or jump on Whits insta and find a photographer to help me out.

Q: Does Whitney’s personality or demeanor change when she’s shooting vs normal life?

I’ve really only been around when she’s shot our [extended] family and she turns into an annoyed older sister that bosses her siblings around. I assume she’s herself on real shoots since she gets return clients.

Q: Have you ever assisted Whitney on a shoot or wedding?

I did go to a wedding that she shot with her once when she had started out and I just found an empty room and hung out there the entire time. I get stressed enough for the both of us when she shoots and I don’t want that to rub off on her when she’s in the middle of it.

Q: Do you like getting your photo taken?

I really don’t like getting my picture taken. I haven’t found a photographer who can make me look like I picture in my head how I look. Even when I look in the mirror I think oh yeah I look alright but then I’ll see the photos of myself and it’s like I ate 3 dozen cinnamon rolls right before the shoot.

Q: Would you rather have Whit do your own family pics with the tripod or hire someone else?

HIRE SOMEONE ELSE! When she shoots our family it’s not the most enjoyable experience for me. She’s wonderful all the time, but I’m left standing with two boys and two dogs while she gets the shot setup and I’d rather have her with me holding at least one boy or dog.

And there you have it! How fun was that?! Haha! I’m sure Danny is hoping that I have enough content planned for the next year so that he doesn’t have to do this again - but he’s a good sport. Just like how I know he doesn’t like getting his picture taken, but I never (or rarely) hear him complain about it. So if you enjoyed this little Q&A, tell Danny how good he did in the comments, and maybe he’ll make a quest appearance again! 


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