Why I Print Your Pictures | Whitney Beth Photography

September 20, 2021  •  Leave a Comment


Why I Print Your Pictures | Whitney Beth Photography

If you've ever reached out for a quote or heard my little 10 second "elevator pitch" you'll know that somewhere in there, I usually throw out the phrase, "I do things a little differently than many photographers..." and that is; I print my clients photos for them, just like studios did "back in the day." But why do I do it? My job and workload would be significantly lighter if I just sent over a digital gallery and moved onto my next client. In fact, printing for my clients is why I take on fewer  sessions a month than other photographers. I average meeting with my client three times; pre-consultation, photoshoot and viewing/ordering appointment. Not to mention all the back end of stuff that happens behind the scenes and at my computer. So for all this extra work, you may wonder why I still do it? 

It's simple.

I want you to answer the next question to yourself.

When was the last time you printed AND hung up photos? 

All those vacation photos sitting in the cloud? First day of school pictures on your phone? Family session that only made it to print in the form of a Christmas card? I could go on and on. 

The reality is, this is the most photographed generation that doesn't have any tangible photos of themselves. 

And I get it! Trust me, I'm not perfect. I still have loads of photos to print out and make into albums. The hard part is finding the time. Because we're all capable of doing it. Ordering prints is not that hard, but knowing what size to get, how many and finding the time to do so is. 

So let me. 

This is my job. I take it very seriously and offer only the best for my clients. I have everything shipped from professional labs to me so that I can inspect every print, every canvas, album, metal print, etc, that comes through my door and be sure it is up to my standards. 

I print your photos for you using professional labs that aren't open to the public because I want your pictures to last. I always talk about how cool it is to think about your grandkids being able to flip through that album and have it look just as beautiful and vibrant as the day I delivered it to you. 

We are all busy, and even the best intentions can falter and fade as time passes on and you still have yet to order family pictures from your session that you picked out all new outfits and spent hundreds of dollars on. It's just life. The majority of my clients have multiple kids and between their schedules and yours, things fall through the cracks. 

I love your photos. It is my favorite thing to look at when entering a home. Even if I didn't take them, I love looking at them. I know the time and energy that went into the planning and coordinating. Not to mention the physical investment you made between outfits and the photos themselves. I don't want that one Instagram or Facebook post to be their only time to shine. I want your kids to be able to look up on the wall and see themselves surrounded by their family. I want you to be able to enjoy them daily. Because, if I'm being honest, that is A LOT of work and energy to go towards photos that won't be seen in tangible form.

So, let me print your pictures. 


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