Year End Review | 2018

January 01, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

2018 was by far my hardest year yet. I experienced my highest highs and lowest lows. I am an avid believer in documenting life. It is how I do my journaling. If you aren't familiar with my personal series, I have taken at least one picture every single day since 2011. I then chose one photo per day and journal about it. 2019 marks the start of 9 years. If you're curious about it and want to see, you can read it here. Obviously 365 pictures is a lot to go through, so I thought it would be fun to do a "highlight reel" of sorts with pictures that summed up each month. 


J A N U A R Y -

January was spent enjoying family time and the abnormally "warm" weather for the year. We went on lots of walks while I combatted my morning sickness and tried to be a "fun mom" despite the constant nausea and fatigue. 

F E B R U A R Y - 

Lots of Jonesy snuggles and  having to accept the fact that my baby would be two in a few months! Which turned into documenting and soaking up all of his little mannerisms - like this one. When he is tired, he'll rub his belly under his shirt. If he can't get to it, he'll settle for my arm or any form of skin to skin he can get. 

M A R C H -

Lots of family time and the start of all the birthdays! We had most of the Jones family over and spent time catching up with them.

A P R I L -

April's highlights were finding out we were having a little boy and deciding on the name, Banks. Jonesy also turned two and I threw him a dinosaur birthday party. 

M A Y -

May was wonderful and hard. Julie returned home from serving her 18 month mission in Jamaica on the 17th. And for for less than a week all was right with the world. I went in for a standard appointment and glucose test on the 23rd, only to be told that Banks had passed and that I would have to deliver him in the morning. He had plans of his own and came that night at 10:07 pm. We held him for as long as we could and checked out of the hospital the next day around 5 pm. I went from planning a nursery to planning a funeral. My sweet little boy was 26 weeks along when I delivered him, but he was the size of a 23 week old babe. Danny and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary days later on the 26th. 

J U N E -

June was spent recovering physically and mentally from losing Banks. Danny also was let go as a pharmacist during the Walgreens-Rite Aid buy out. We spent all our time with family, not daring to be left alone as the healing process began to unfold. 

J U L Y - 

July looked the same as June. Relying on family to gain a sense of normalcy. We went on hikes and enjoyed all the visiting family's company. Our moments of grief became more distant and we learned to cope. I started working more and Danny started a new job as a pharmacist for Jolley's.

A U G U S T - 

Our world was once again shaken when Scout, our sweet little pup was lost for nearly 48 hours at Tanner Park and the surrounding neighborhoods. We found her after days of searching and having her spend two nights on her own. She also developed separation anxiety from the event. 

S E P T E M B E R - 

Such a happy month! I gained a new sister in law and we found out we were expecting! Things were starting to look up! (Despite Danny and I and most of the Jones clan contracting Norovirus!)

O C T O B E R -

October was a happy month. We were able to take family pictures with everyone there, see our little gummy bear and tell everyone the news, go on lots of fall themed family outings and dress up in our themed Halloween Costumes. 

N O V E M B E R - 

Makayla left for her 18 month mission to Kentucky and Danny and I ended out the month by taking Thomas (my younger brother) with us to CA to meet up with 4 of Danny's siblings. We did Santa Monica Pier, Universal Studios and lots of Disneyland!

D E C E M B E R - 

December started off terrible when I was hospitalized with Kidney Stones. I ended up passing two in the hospital and one at home. We also had all the adults on Danny's side in one spot and I took over and made everyone take a family picture. (We were only missing two missionaries and the oldest grandson, his fiance and their son - the first great grandbaby!) I ended up getting a stomach bug two days before the end of the year. I pulled through and was able to recover quickly and ring in the new year with lots of family. 




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