Our Family Pictures | Whitney Beth Photography

October 23, 2019  •  2 Comments

     I know what you're thinking, "didn't you just take family pictures at the salt flats...?" and, yes I did. Technically they are the "Jones family" pictures. But when you are the photographer who is also the subject, trying to rally your nine siblings, 3 in laws, my parents, Danny, and my two little guys, it can get a little hectic and my own family pictures didn't quite turn out as majestic as I'd hoped. Fast forward a few weeks and I learn of the Sunflower Festival that is happening at Hee Haw Farms. I was dying to shoot in these big beautiful sunflowers that are bigger than my head. I decided I wanted some headshots there and coordinate with my headshot swap girls to do our next shoot there. The only problem? As the days get closer to the shoot (mind you the day we have scheduled is the LAST day of the sunflower festival) people stop responding on the group chat. Eventually it's the day before the "shoot" and I have no idea if anyone is going to show up. My heart is still set on that location so I call up my sister and ask if she'll be my human tripod. It's a maybe - depending on her homework load. With the new location change and thanks to Fields literally bursting buttons on his outfit at the salt flats I had to find a few different outfits for Fields and I - Danny ended up staying in the same thing and Jones wore different shorts. I searched my closet and all my sister's closet for a mustard dress. An added perk to gaining new sibling in laws is when they have a sister who lives a mile from your house and is your size. I borrowed Cali's dress (Julie's sister in law) for pictures the day of our shoot. It was also the day of our shoot that Julie wasn't going to be able to come down with us. Thank goodness for friends! I called up my friend Jennie and asked if I could pay her to take pictures on my camera so that I could edit them. She said yes! It worked out perfectly! Especially since she could've walked to the farm! It was so nice to not have to think and just be in the picture with my family. Everyone needs a Jennie in their life. For as hectic and thrown together this shoot was, it turned out perfectly! I'm so thankful for friends and family who are willing to help me out when needed! 


best essay review(non-registered)
Advanced Photography Secrets covers the nuts and bolts of computerized photography as well, which would be useful as either a supplemental class or fundamental how to take photographs learning device (in case you're a computerized photograph novice.) There's likewise some 'uncommon bits of knowledge's on utilizing the correct printer, expelling commotion from your computerized photographs,
Danald Wilkins(non-registered)
Agree with you that you make it sensible in all the ways.
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