Pick Up Lines to Use on a Photographer | Utah Family + Senior Photographer

February 04, 2019  •  2 Comments

© Whitney Beth Photography

     Happy love month everybody! I was so pumped from Friday's DIY photo valentines that I ended up down the rabbit hole of all things Valentines. I love all things cheesy, corny and ridiculous when it comes to holidays and parties. The bigger the better. And after one of those thought provoking showers where you somehow solve and dissect all of the world's mysteries I had an epiphany. "Why aren't there more pick up lines aimed towards photographers?" I'm sure they're out there, but I've never heard of any! Not that I need them - happily married over here. But just knowing they existed would make everything 10x better. 

     So I set to work scouring the internet for my favorite pick up lines to use on photographers. And boy, did the internet deliver. Who knew that this secret niche was so popular on the interwebs? I've compiled my favorite lines to use at your will. You don't even have to be actively trying to date a photographer to use them! Send your photographer a little love note and tell them how happy you are with your images! I promise you it'll make their day. 

  • Are you a camera? Because everytime I see you, I smile. 
  • I've got you in my viewfinder.
  • I Leica you. 
  • True love can never be photoshopped.
  • Why don't you and I go into a dark room and see what develops?
  • I'd sync with you at any speed.
  • You are the catchlight of my eyes.
  • When you flash your smile, my color temperature rises.
  • They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but there are no words to describe as beautiful as you are. 
  • I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
  • Lets take it slow and see how things develop. 
  • Dang girl! I think I'm in love, you just f-stopped my heart. 
  • That kiss was great! You're really upping my shutter speed. 
  • I only focus on you.
  • You have an all access pass to my heart. 
  • That's not a telephoto lens in my pocket. I'm just happy to see you. 

     Do you have any in mind that missed the list? Comment them below and let's hear them! 

I got most of my material from these two places:

Photography Pick up Lines & Warrentoda.com


Today, you have become and master picture taker on the grounds that your folks upheld you a ton. All the credit goes to your folks who worked effectively for you in your entire profession. I have met with your dad too to examine about your profession and he was exceptionally sure and confident with regards to you.
I'm not a photographer, but I picture you and me together.
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