Despite what it looks like outside right now, Spring is coming! I am totally a late spring girl. Flowers blooming everywhere, tons of green, I just love it! I'm often asked when I start to get busy with photoshoots, and the short answer I usually give is, "Whenever it starts to look pretty outside" - aka Spring! Planning outfits can be the toughest part of getting your pictures taken. (I have a super handy guide that breaks it down if you want to take a read.) But sometimes you just need to look at pretty things to be inspired. I'll let you in on a secret; whenever I'm planning my own family pictures, I pick out an outfit that I absolutely LOVE and am dying to wear. I know it's 100% selfish, but out of my entire family, I can confidently say that I care more about pictures than anyone else. Have you ever had photos taken and you don't love the way you look in them? It can be a real bummer and make it hard for you to love the entire image. Mom's especially fall into this. It's a hard trap to come out of. That's why I pick out my clothes first, not only does it give a baseline for what the rest of the family will wear, but it also allows me to feel confident and confidence shines through a picture like you wouldn't believe.
The best part about the changing seasons is all the new colors that get introduced to Mother Nature's palette. Being able to play off of what's going on around you will help your family pictures look amazing. Because I'm such a generous person, I did a little online window shopping for dresses that would be perfect for your upcoming spring pictures. (I know, so selfless of me! ha!) They all are going to match the soon to be scenery outside perfectly! And they are excellent foundation pieces to build up the rest of the outfits needed in your family. Just click on the dress name and it'll take you to the shop's page where you can join me down the dress rabbit hole. See you on the other side with a fresh closet!
*Just so we're clear - I don't get anything from you using these links or purchasing these dresses, I'm just your friendly neighborhood photographer trying to help you look your best for your photos*
1. Afton Floral Wrap Dress in Mustard
2. Aimee Eyelet Empire Dress in Mauve
3. The Jill Floral Contrast Wrap Dress in Blue
4. Ellis Swiss Midi Skirt in Mauve
11. Marlowe Button Stripe Dress
12. The Brandi Floral Dress in Ivory
13. The Annabelle Dress in Mauve
16. The Astrid Polka Dot Dress in Grey