Saratoga Springs Horse Family Session | Jordan | Whitney Beth Photography

November 11, 2020  •  1 Comment

Saratoga Springs Horse Family Session | Jordan | Whitney Beth Photography

Having return clients is one of the best feelings ever! I've mentioned before how much of a complement it is to hire someone year after year, and it really is! The best part is we already know each other and the pressure isn't as intense as if it's a brand new client. Knowing each other, and more than that, trusting each other was a crucial part to this session. We were set to shoot at 4:30, but with it being so cloudy that day we moved the time up to 4. (This was the day before the big wind storm that brought all the cold and snow, and the LAST day of 70 degree weather.) Ben is such a hard worker with a million businesses (it feels like!) and was late getting home. We were shooting at the hill behind their house with their horses! Ben didn't end up getting home until like 4:40 ish and then had to race to get three horses saddled up. Sunset was at 5:30 and it was already pretty dark from the clouds. We managed to shoot until completely dark and we still got amazing images! This was my first time shooting in Saratoga Springs and it was perfect for the look Ashley was going for! The neutral landscape and outfits (and horses! ha!) complemented each other so well! You'd have never guess we were scrambling to get all the shots needed before the storm came. I love how these turned out and I can't wait for Ashley's print order to get here so she can display them in her new house!



Whitney! These are so beautiful. I LOVE that they brought in the animals into their shoot. How fun!
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