What to do with Grandma’s Old, Film Camera | Whitney Beth Photography

July 25, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

What to do with Grandma’s Old, Film Camera | Whitney Beth Photography

If you’re anything like my friends and family, once people start going through old stuff they are bound to find an old film camera. I usually get messages asking if they are worth anything. Sadly, old film cameras don’t hold their worth and you’ll be lucky if you can sell it for $50 or so. But the number one thing I always ask in response is to check and see if there is film in it! I’ve had a few instances where people have found old rolls of developed film just waiting to be discovered! But what do you do if you’ve found film?! The first thing you need to do is get that film outta there! I acquired this camera from a friend seeking help at retrieving what was thought to be an old roll of film (spoiler alert, it wasn’t loaded.) But bright side; it prompted this post!

1. The first thing you’ll need to do is locate the little button on the bottom of the camera. 

2. Once you’ve located the button, at the top of the camera you’ll find a little lever. Flip it out so that it is no longer compact. 

3. In this camera’s case, you’ll want to press the button and turn the lever, winding the film back into the canister.

4. Once wound, you shouldn’t feel any resistance and it should wind freely. 

5. Pull the lever (kronk! Hahaha!) and the back will pop open! 

6. Remove the film and it is ready to be sent off to be developed! - Don’t worry, there are still places that do that! I recommend the Find Lab and Allen’s camera! 

7. Wait for your film to be developed like back in the day and enjoy this chunk of history you just uncovered! 


In regards to the camera, you have a few options. You can keep it and learn how to use it. (YouTube or your photo friend will be your best bet, but it’s really not that hard once you get the hang of it.) Keep it and use it for decor. Or, find a new home for it either by donating it or giving it away to someone who will use it.


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