Get To Know Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family + Senior Photographer

November 15, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Get To Know Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family + Senior Photographer

woof. Fall family photo season is starting to wrap up around here. With only a handful of sessions left, I thought I’d take a second to share some more things about myself. There are dozens of talented photographers in Utah, and the only thing that sets me apart from them is me! So, I like to make theses posts every so often so you can see how fun I am!

1. When I was a kid, my siblings and I spent an entire summer day outside, catching butterflies. Rather than release them right away, we smuggled them inside. We put them in my parents bathroom with some water and flowers in the tub since that was the smallest room with the most light. We had nearly a dozen by the time my mom, unknowingly, walked into her bathroom to discover the flying houseguests. I can distinctly hear and remember my mom saying, “Whitney Beth!” Haha! She made us catch them all and release them outside.

2. My favorite way to eat a Reeses Peanut Butter cup to to push out the middle first, eat it and then eat the edge (best part!) But my all time favorite candy is Reeses Fastbreak. 

3. In 5th grade I accidentally read Robinson Crusoe. I was trying to read the Swiss Family Robinson and couldn’t remember the name of the book. All I could recall was Robinson being in the title. So when I read the synopsis for Robinson Crusoe about a man who shipwrecks on an island, I thought I had found it! I read the whole book expecting a family to shipwreck at any time. Very disappointing to 10 year old me. Ha. 

4. Going along with the theme of “mistakes Whitney makes in names,” in college I signed up to take Astronomy for a science credit. I needed one more and took Meteorology thinking that they would basically teach themselves. (Hello 12 am class registration brain lol) I also never bought the books to my classes until after the first few days in session. So imagine my surprise when I show up to Meteorology on the first day to discover it is about the WEATHER. Lol I ended up still taking it, but it turned out to be one of the hardest classes of my undergrad. Ha. But if anyone wants to know how to find the noon sun angle, I’m your girl. (Not really, I forgot everything.) 

5. When Danny and I were first married, I had a snow day from school on one of Danny’s day off. We drove to Best Buy, bought Halo 4 and played it (for the first time for either of us) all through the night. We beat the game at 6 am. Crashed and fell asleep and woke up at 10 with just enough time to drive over to McDonalds for breakfast. 

And theres’s a few things about me! What’s your favorite? 


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