What to Look For in Summer Outfits for Photos | Whitney Beth Photography

July 02, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

What to Look For in Summer Outfits for Photos | Whitney Beth Photography

Welcome to summer! (Unless you live in Utah and then you know we’ve had record breaking highs all throughout June!) With summer comes allll the summer photo sessions. Summer is one of my favorite seasons to photograph in; everyone is tan and happy and we don’t have to work around school schedules and we have access to some pretty stunning locations. 

When it comes to picking outfits for summer photos, I have a few guidelines I like to stay in to help tie everything together. 

1. Neutrals

Neutral colors look good on everyone, but they especially look good on some sun kissed skin. Add that in with some soft, golden light and a great location and you have all the makings for a great outfit. 

2. Air Flow

Lest you forget that despite shooting in the evenings means cooler, let me reiterate; summer. Ha. It’s hot out! And there’s nothing worse than sweating out in your photos! I personally am a fan of flutter and flowy sleeves - something that allows you to sweat in peace. Same goes for my family, they will all be much happier (and cooperate faster) if they have outfits on that are cool and allow for air flow

© Whitney Beth Photography

3. Keep it Simple

Normally I’m all about layers and adding things for depth, but during summer sessions I stray away from that. Summer has such a carefree sense of being light and free that I don’t want to “weigh down” an image with lots of clothes and add ons. Being able to have simplicity allows for emotions and family bonds to really show their true colors. - Not that you can’t get that if you add layers or shoot in the fall, there’s just something so freeing about the bare minimum and the family dynamics that we can capture. 

So there you have it - three guidelines to rock your summer photo outfits. Give them a try, they make picking out outfits a lot more easier. 


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