Jones' Documents CA

December 17, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

     If you remember in my Camera Gift Guide post Danny and I got Jones his very own digital camera for Christmas. We decided to give it to him early since we were planning a trip to Disneyland the week after Thanksgiving. It might be my favorite thing we've ever gotten him! I loved seeing what he wanted to take pictures of and remember! It was also so fun to see things from his perspective. Disclaimer - he took a lot of butt pictures haha! I thought it would be so fun to compile my favorites from our vacation. We started our road trip off by heading to Santa Monica Pier. The following day was universal studios and then remainder of our stay was all Disney! Without further ado, our vacation through the eyes of a 2 year old. 

Driving to Cali! 

I got to sit in the captain's chair next to Jones the whole way! (We all drove in my sis in law's van) 


He probably had a good 20 pictures of this dinosaur gate! He loves dinosaurs and was pretty excited about Jurassic World.

Shadow play.

Color play.

More Dinosaurs.

We watched the animal actors show and got to pet the dogs afterwards. Jones took pictures like this of every one of them!

paws are very important. 

Mom and cousin Tasia. 

uncle Thomas


cutest selfie ever!

He's also got a thing for minions. 

Radiator springs! The leaning tower of tires!

Lightning Mcqueen! We waited in line to meet him and when we got up to him, Jones was so overwhelmed he started to cry. poor little star struck guy!

Aunt Amy!

Self portrait.

Uncle Bill and cousin Cozy!

jungle safari

cousin scarlet eating.

So many cars!

Radiator Springs!

Piston Cup trophy gift shop items. 

Family selfie while on a ride. 


Through the gate!

Shadow play


Cousin Addi's stone!

The best self portrait ever!


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