How To Hang Picture Frames With Toothpaste | Whitney Beth Photography

October 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

      One of the hardest parts of hanging your pictures (besides narrowing it down to the images you want) is hanging them! I'm not one to pull out the ruler and protractor and measure everything. My method was more of "spray and pray" kind of deal. - At the expense of my walls. Over the years of hanging and trying out all the internet hacks I finally found my golden ticket. One of my friends told it to me a few years ago and I hadn't tried it. The thought came up in my mind as I was making guides and make shift rulers out of cereal boxes to hang my mom's new gallery wall. "Maybe I should try the toothpaste method."

     So I did. And it works. 

It's pretty simple to follow, just grab toothpaste along with everything else you need to hang your pictures. (make sure it's a solid color and not an opaque/clear gel one. Those will still work, but it'll be harder to see.)

Put a little pea sized dot of toothpaste on the hanging hardware.

Then, you carefully line it up where you want it on the wall. Be deliberate with your placement and hover above the wall before you press down and make contact. If you smudge the toothpaste it'll be hard to see where you should nail.

Once you've got it placed where you want, remove the frame carefully and you should have a dot of toothpaste remaining on the wall. 

Now, just poke your nail through the toothpaste and nail that baby in! Once the nail is in, wipe the toothpaste from the wall and frame.

And there you have it! No more guessing where the hanging hardware is and no more extra holes in your wall!

BONUS TIP: When storing your frames NEVER store them back to front. They should always be placed front to front, back to back. This will help prevent scratching and breaking.


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