5 Tips To Use When Posing For Photos | Whitney Beth Photography | SLC Family Photographer

May 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

5 Tips To Use When Posing For Photos | Whitney Beth Photography | SLC Family Photographer

How to pose for pictures 


  1. If it bends, bend it. 

Nothing like looking like a stiff board in pictures, eh? To prevent this, give a slight bend in your elbows and knees. It’ll feel weird at first, but you’ll actually look more relaxed in your picture. 

  1. Work in triangles

Triangles are one of the naturally pleasing shapes in nature. Pose in triangles - whether it is making the shape with your body, or using others around you to form a triangle. My family always makes fun of me, and calls it the “Whitney Pose,” because I end up doing this pose 95% of the time when I take our family pictures. (Mainly because it’s fast, easy, and I’m usually too focused on my tripod and remote to remember to pose any differently.)


  1. Don’t face the camera straight on. 

Always turn to the side and angle your body so that it is not facing the camera straight on. This is always more flattering and help gives depth and dimension to you.


  1. Don’t slouch. 

This may seem like a “duh” thing, but pulling your shoulders back and standing up straight can transform the way you look in your picture. 

  1. Don’t stand with your legs pressed together

Instead, stand with your toes together, heels apart. By making the space and gap between your legs visible you’ll create two separate parts to your body as opposed to the one made up of both legs.





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