My 30 Before 30 | Whitney Beth Photography | SLC Family and Senior Photographer

May 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

My 30 Before 30 | Whitney Beth Photography | SLC Family and Senior Photographer

This year I turned 28. Honestly it wasn’t too bad - aside from the ‘Rona. (that pandemic threw a wrench in everyone’s year.) The hardest birthday I’ve had was when I hit 27. That was when it hit me that I no longer was in my “mid twenties” and instead had graduated to “late twenties.” Ouch. But after having a whole year of acceptance, I was ready for 28. I don’t feel 28. I especially don’t feel being two years away from 30. But dammit if I’m going to let the last two years of my twenties be put to waste. (All this social distancing is making my a tad feisty.) So, I present to you, the 30 things I want to do before I hit 30.


  1. Find some property/land and start seriously designing “The Robbins Nest” - event center/studio/workspace.
  2. Add another kid to this crew of mine. 
  3. Tropical Vacation.
  4. Tackle some of the DIY projects that I have planned for our house.
  5. Have Whitney Beth Photography be profitable enough to substantially contribute to our family.
  6. Learn to embroider.
  7. Plant a magnolia tree in our yard.
  8. Practice more videography.
  9. Take on commercial clients.
  10. Find a way to be active daily.
  11. Take more portraits for the sake of art.
  12. More family trips.
  13. Print all my pictures.
  14. Design and print my “picture of the day” year books.
  15. Send more snail mail.
  16. Execute all the photoshoot ideas I had written down in my sketch book.
  17. Take a girls trip.
  18. Redo a teardrop trailer (and get Danny to like camping.)
  19. Read more. 
  20. Visit a new state.
  21. Cross locations off my photoshoot bucket list.
  22. Teach a photography class.
  23. Organize and style the art studio.
  24. Illustrate and print a children’s book.
  25. Go to a U-cut flower farm and bring home the biggest bouquet.
  26. Keep cultivating friendships.
  27. Finally have “the year of the yard.”
  28. Take the dogs hiking off leash.
  29. Outsource things I don’t have time to do.
  30. Be a fun mom and wife.



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