My Five Favorite Fall Locations in Utah | Whitney Beth Photography

September 18, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

My Five Favorite Fall Locations in Utah | Whitney Beth Photography

Fall is HERE! Fall in Utah is a wonderful time of year. The colors are so vibrant and the temps are so much cooler. I remember my first fall here and I was low key trippin' over the fact that you could jump in piles of leaves without getting all wet and slimy (I see you, Oregon.) Thanks to our beautiful mountains our fall is spread out and we can enjoy it longer. Color always starts in the canyons and works it's way down to the valley. I'm going to share with you my five favorite Utah locations for fall starting with the earliest color (aka highest elevation) and working my way down to the last of the leaves.

1. Jordan Pines (Big Cottonwood Canyon) 

Honestly, you can't go wrong with Jordan Pines any time of year, but the fall is extra magical. I like to attribute it to all the Pines bringing the green as a backdrop for all the yellow aspens up there. 

2. Tibble Fork Reservoir (American Fork Canyon)

Ok, maybe it's the Oregonian in me, but I love going up to Tibble if not for the pines and mountain views, but for the color that the trees put on. Excellent location if you want that mountain lake feel.

3. Temple Quarry (Little Cottonwood Canyon)

At the base of Little Cottonwood lays Temple Quarry. It is an explosion of color in the fall. Not only are the leaves stunning, but the contrast of the white rocks is so good.

4. Potato Hill (Draper/Suncrest Area)

Potato Hill is amazing in the fall - all the oak trees are turning amazing colors and you get to look out across the entire valley! The sunsets up there are pretty remarkable. 

© Whitney Beth Photography

5. Draper Wetlands Park (Draper)

My old faithful, and probably most shot location - which has nothing to do with how close it is to my house. (maybe.) The last of the fall colors can be found here. Along with an array of all the warm yellows and golds that fall brings. It also helps that it has a pond or two for some variety!


And there you have it! See somewhere you want to shoot? Send me an email through my contact page! I'd love to document your family this fall!


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